Crypto NEWS
How to Swap Linea Ethereum to SUI Using OKX Wallet
Try this
If you’re trying to swap Linea Ethereum for SUI on your OKX wallet but encounter issues, follow this alternative method:
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Transfer Linea Ethereum to Bybit Exchange
Open your OKX wallet.
Send your Linea Ethereum (ETH) to your Bybit exchange account.
Important: Ensure the deposit address on Bybit is set to Linea (ETH). Double-check this step to avoid errors.
2. Convert Linea Ethereum to SUI on Bybit
a. Trade Linea Ethereum to USDT
On Bybit, trade or convert your Linea Ethereum (ETH) into USDT.
b. Swap USDT to SUI
Next, use your USDT balance to buy SUI.
3. Transfer SUI Back to OKX Wallet
Once you’ve swapped USDT for SUI, transfer the SUI tokens back to your OKX wallet.
Tips for Beginners
If you’re unsure about any step, search for video tutorials on YouTube. Look specifically for guides on:
How to convert coins on Bybit
How to deposit and withdraw crypto between wallets and exchanges